Sunday, June 5, 2011

NaturalBus 2011

We've been going to NaturalBus since 2003, my son Jonah was only a few months old at his first campout, now he is 8 years old. This is the closest campout to us so it's easy to make. It is usually very very HOT, but this year the weather was wonderful and in the 80's.

NaturalBus is held at the Yogi Bear Jellystone Park in Natural Bridge, Va. It is a Fullmoon Bus campout. And every year some of the men find a bus, fix it up and raffle it off.

We camp by the same people every very, our moonie family. Check out my sweet bus twinkle lights.

The water is a must at this campout because of the heat. There is a water slide, a lake and

a pool. I usually stay in the pool. I am scared of the lake.

Jonah got to fish! He is loving it. He wants to be Jeremy Wade when he grows up.

Here is the raffle bus being driven after being won. I didn't know the winner. The money from the raffle goes to the Ronald McDonald House in Raleigh, Va.

Here is my annual picture of my children with Yogi!! They get their picture taken here every year after the campout.

We had a fabulous time. Weather was perfect, some of our friends were missing ,but we had a lot of them there! And the food was good as usual. Oh... and I slept like a rock both nights in the bus! I love sleeping in our bus , it is sooo comfortable and cozy.

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