Tuesday, July 27, 2010

High Country Bus Festival 2010

We made it to High Country Bus Festival this year. It is in Crumpler, NC on the New River. And is the BIGGEST campout of the year. This year there were 181 buses camped along a one mile stretch of river bank.

The weather was good, but hot. I believe it was around 104 degrees. But we stayed in the water. Tubing down the river and playing in the water. That's me down there tubing down river.
Here is a photo of the teens. My daughter in the middle who has a brake on her knee. She has torn her cartilage in her right knee this time, but the ortho dr said we could still go camping if she kept her knee up and on ice. :o) Which she did, but still got to have fun and tube.

A view only going one way looking up the river. It goes the other way too , full of buses camped out. It was a wonderful campout.

I didn't know my husband could hula hoop so good. There were hula hooping contest.

Jonah stayed on the rope swing the whole weekend. Our bus was right there so it was the prefect spot for him.
A shot of our bus, the blue one in the middle.

It took 7 1/2 hours to get there, we took the long scenic route. And about 6 hours to get home. Not having a/c on the way home was the only bad part of the trip. Everything else was fabulous. Dawnn, who camps right beside us made a roast in the Dutch Oven one night. Oh it was so good. And another night we had Philly cheese steaks for dinner. The food was awesome. We got to see a lot of our 'moonie' family that I miss. Can't wait until next year's High Country.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sunshine Daydream 2010

The weekend of the 4th of July. Our Independence Day. We went camping in Pinnacle, NC at Sunshine Daydream.

Me and my hubby with our bus in the background. You can be jealous.
Here's Jeremy making breakfast, I had started it but he took over. I love eating breakfast outside in nature.
Shelby enjoying her pancakes. Thanks dad.

Our American flag flies high....

We took a walk down to the lake.... I just love walking in the woods. You see all sorts of critters and plant life.

There were all sorts of different frogs at the lake. Green ones, black ones, and red ones. I am a frog/toad lover.

My sweet boy playing on a tree near the lake. He also loves to be outside. I can't not keep him in doors. :o)
our view....

Jonah shows Sandra his boo boo. She is the master DS player and shows all the kids at camp the tricks to playing. By the way Gary ( not pictured) won the pie eating contest.
This weekend was all about fireworks. And boys/men love fire and fireworks. LOL

The fireworks were fabulously awesome!!!

Another wonderful camping trip with my sweet little family and our awesome bus Jaws.