Thursday, July 16, 2009

Three Lakes Park ( photo heavy )

The kids and I went to the park for a picnic the other day. At Three Lakes Park. They are a little aquarium there. So Jonah was in Heaven.

Check out this guys toe nails......

Here we have turtles spooning.....

Our picnic on our ant picnic quilt.....
Jonah watching out for the turtles....
An ant on the ant quilt, we didn't plant him there, he really crawled across the quilt.

Nature walk thru the trails. I think this is a really good picture of the kids. They are just so cute.

We came to a bridge so I had to get their picture on it.

Me acting silly with my girl..... that is Jonah's huge magnifying glass he brought on then trip.

Me and my boy..... in the woods...... having fun looking at nature.

one of the many turtles in the lake.
And Jonah found a frog in a hole. We laughed and thought it was so great because the kids GrandMolly makes us "frogs in a hole" every time we go visit her. And we actually saw a frog in a hole. LOL

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